About My “A Walk in Life – our STORY” Exhibition

I have been contemplating for years the meaning of life, our roles in the world, and how the relationship between the human race and our world had become the way it is today. The natural disasters, wars, diseases, pollutions, and viruses that have been happening in the world are all related in one way or another. The more I dig in, the more I would like to share my thoughts and findings with everyone. Hoping that this would somehow help ease off the pain we all experienced and share the light and hope I found.

Through this exhibition “A Walk in Life – our STORY,” I would like to give my audience a place to look back into our life, our history, and our world, providing people a chance to see, think, reflect, and eventually take actions to make changes and welcome a better future with open arms!

I plan to continue to use my artworks to communicate and bring art into our everyday lives. I believe through art, we can communicate with our hearts, enrich our well beings, and get closer to the utopia many of us pursue.

關於我《生命的漫步 – our STORY》畫展

這些年來,我不停的探索和反思人類與世界的關系,究竟是什麽原因讓我們走到現今的世況; 越來越頻密的天災人禍(傳染病、森林大火、水災、蟲害、幹旱、颶風、空氣水源食物污染,中毒、 暴動、戰爭等)讓我強烈的感受到萬物的一切都有緊密的聯系和因果關系。隨著鉆研的深入,我迫切希望通過藝術,跟大家分享其間的心路歷程,希望交流可以讓我們相互指引。

《生命的漫步》個展,初衷是希望能夠透過作品的視覺,讓大家放慢腳步,一起探討我們人類的故事、 生命的意義、責任與追求。我們的一舉一動影響著全球的萬物生命,也影響著我們自己的未來。 我們正在一起構築著我們的未來。


Photos by Irene Chang Studio


Graphic Designer and Film Producer


Symbolisms of Apples


Preface from “A Walk in Life – our STORY” Exhibition